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Icon Explorer

Browse and save icons from popular icon collections.

You will find the Icon Explorer under Project -> Tools -> Icon Explorer... or directly in the main screen.

Install or update them via the options menu in the right upper corner. This can take several minutes.

You can remove the main screen button in the options, the editor has to be restarted to take it into effect.

Available collections


Downloaded data is saved into .godot/cache/icon_explorer to avoid importing it.


Godot Version
4.3 >= 1.2.0
4.2 <= 1.1.0


In Main screen:

Icon Explorer screenshot

As popup:

Icon Explorer screenshot



  • Require Godot 4.3
  • Make use of @export for custom Nodes
  • Improve loading visualization
  • Add Icons to Main Screen (this is optional and can be turned off)
  • Add check for updates button
  • Remove editor toast notification (access was removed)
  • Focus filter input on opening


  • Use editor toast notification


  • Add icon explorer