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Custom Theme Overrides

Utility to make custom theme overrides for any node possible.

Registers (via class_name) the class CustomThemeOverrides.

The custom theme override variables can be handled like every other theme override property.


Godot Version
4.3 all
4.2 all


Custom theme overrides screenshot



# declare the members
# - use @export
# - use setter and getter, they are NOT called in the editor
# - access these variables directly
var my_font_color: Color
var my_border_size: int
var my_font: Font
var my_font_size: int
var my_icon: Texture2D
var my_style_box: StyleBox

# declare the custom theme overrides, use the member name and the theme data type.
var _theme_overrides =[
    ["my_font_color", Theme.DATA_TYPE_COLOR],
    ["my_border_size", Theme.DATA_TYPE_CONSTANT],
    ["my_font", Theme.DATA_TYPE_FONT],
    ["my_font_size", Theme.DATA_TYPE_FONT_SIZE],
    ["my_icon", Theme.DATA_TYPE_ICON],
    ["my_style_box", Theme.DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX]

# required, if you have other properties use append_array
func _get_property_list() -> Array[Dictionary]:
    return self._theme_overrides.theme_property_list(self)

# optional: if you want to use the revert function
func _property_can_revert(property: StringName) -> bool:
    return self._theme_overrides.can_revert(property)

# optional: if you want to use the revert function, return null
func _property_get_revert(_property: StringName) -> Variant:
    return null


You should not use @export on your custom theme variables, as they will be exported with the _get_property_list method.

Setter and getter of the variables will not be called inside the editor.



  • Require Godot 4.2
  • Add more values to plugin.cfg
  • Add static typing in for loops